Shaman: A Study in Bringing Concept Art to Life


Finding concept art to create from is generally a daunting process for me. It comprises of hours of indecisive scrolling through Pinterest and Artstation; and it usually ends up with me finishing half a box of Oreos, and finding 1 and a half pieces that I -might- want to do, but nothing I'm really totally attached to. However, when I first came across this concept by Mingchen Shen (sans chocolate sandwich cookies), I completely fell in love with it at first sight; and I'm very happy that this piece was my final project that I got to create during my time at Gnomon.

For this shot, my focus was to create a piece that would match the lighting from concept art, while also using color to help direct the viewer's eye across the scene. The software I used to create this piece included: Maya, Zbrush, Marvelous Designer, Speedtree, Xgen, Substance Painter, Mari, Vray, and Nuke.


Spirits of Change